New Years Greetings 2018

The windreiter review 2017

Even though, it looked very silent from the windreiter side, there was actually happening a lot behind the scenes and I like to give a small overview what was accomplished in 2017.

The windreiter workshop has grown a lot and beneath our 3D printing capability, we´ve now a CNC cutter in operation as well as a homemade, but super cool laser cutter. Further our top secret project, the welding robot “Schweißi” went to version 4 and is now a super simple to use industrial machine for virtually infinite sizes of envelopes, which we might even share to others in the future. There are already a few out there working for other teams, but I wont tell!

Also we were able to source large stocks of a new red envelope material with amazing strength and will base the next iteration of the silent runner on this crazy material. Watch our master of destructive testing trying to defeat it:

On the airship development side, it was a very slow progress but in the end we could convince ourself, that the V shape tail is pretty cool and is the way to go. So on a few events you could already see test versions of our new open source airship fly around outdoors, doing crazy stunts, carrying cameras and hitting the walls:

We´re on a good way to produce these new silent_runner versions in a market ready version and there will be a real distributor selling the kits! But of cause the project will remain open source for all the tinkerers and hobbyists who wants to start working with airships.

So we wish all of you a calm and relaxing Christmas and good start into the new year 2018.
It´s gonna be exciting!

Airships up!

The Windreiter Team

1 Kommentar zu „New Years Greetings 2018

  1. Hallo, es freut mich, dass es weitergeht. Sehr interessant, die rote Folie.

    Ich brauche dringend eine Folie oder eine Hülle, da mein Silent-runner einen Unfall hatte und ich die Hülle nicht mehr reparieren kann. Mir ist derzeit egal ob transparent, rot oder silbern, oder gleich alle, ich brauche Ersatz.

    Könnt Ihr mal Eure Mail andreas@…. und info@,… prüfen, ich habe bereits im November geschrieben. Vielleicht in junkmail gelandet. Ich versuche es heute Abend nochmals.
    Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Flug,

    Beste Grüße,
    J. aus Dresden
    Heliumsüchtiger 🙂

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